Thursday, October 23, 2008

Kitchenaid Toaster Oven

Antonio Meneses was born in Italy in 1936. Ph. D. in Philosophy, Theology, Sociology, Psychology Degree in Philosophy, Honoris Causa degree in Physics the discovery of the semantic field.

develops independent research that leads to the foundation of what is presented as a new discipline, Ontopsychology. In the 70 formalizes the three discoveries of science Ontopsychological, the ontic itself, the semantic field and the deflection monitor.

In 1972 he founded a school Ontopsychological; in 1978 is the International Association of Ontopsychology.

faces the critical problem of knowledge and solve it by proposing the criterion of evidence formalized by the intellect, which brings together the object and the subject as part of the only contemporary ontology of intentionality.

Il pensiero del prof. Meneghetti è pubblicato in oltre quaranta volumi che espongono i princìpi dell'ontopsicologia, e di essi diversi sono stati tradotti anche in inglese, russo, francese, tedesco, spagnolo, cinese e in portoghese).

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Antonio Meneghetti

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