Un nuovo premio The beloved Aurelia in the kitchen smells of
kindly offered me this award too cute and I thank you for thinking of me. Thanks Aurelia you were very dear :-)
Regulation Download the award by "copy and paste the html code that you find at the end of regulation, and put it in your blog.
Write a post linking the blog that gave you the license plate as a symbol of gratitude.
Link to this page also
world Memole to allow the winners to read the regulations and take the prize.
order to withdraw the license plate you have to hit at least seven blogs.
If you want to indicate the reason why the plate to deliver award-winning blog.
Then you can at any time, give the award to other blogs.
With this award I would like to reward all those blogs that have distinguished themselves for having given a message of sweetness and / or love. In turn, I
prize all the friends known about the various cooking blog that I have always been close in this period from the beginning of pregnancy to date. I do not make the list of names because you lot, I also saw that many of you have already received the award, but I dedicate the same to all of you that despite my "culinary break" continue to go from here making less boring these days and sharing with me one of the "moments" the most beautiful of my life :-) Thank you so much again to all!