The decision-making and leadership in young
treat the topic of leadership and the young possibility of including in decision-making institutions is a delicate issue that threatens to fall into a form of individualistic exhibitionism of intellectuality, as often happens, unfortunately, but failing to find that a useful meeting point for functional dialectic as these two elements can certainly lead .
The first thing to note is that our young people hear them express their views in a nightclub, on television, entertainment, in short, where is the wave of a burning soon. It 's interesting to hear their leading role in situations like this and many of the young voters who are here, and then they are also determining the power of this planet. Allow loro di provare a dare una presenza critica, una presenza di partecipazione, su qualcosa che interessi l’umano, la società, l’ONU, in qualsiasi campo, da Internet, alla pubblicità, all'economia, è comunque una forma d’intelligenza che va incentivato sempre di più e questo è sicuramente un importante compito di cui l’ONU e l’UNICEF si stanno facendo carico.
L’ONU sarà come i migliori la organizzeranno. Questa organizzazione è una possibilità, un’opportunità che tutti riconoscono ed è anche una responsabilità per i giovani intelligenti. Quindi cercate di essere presenti in molti all'interno di questa organizzazione, perché l'ONU è una grande organization, if the best help, is this, if you do not have the best men, it becomes a useless white elephant.
Young instead of suffering for seemingly important things that often upset, instead of waiting to be framed within the statutes set, it is good to begin to develop the intelligence, wisdom, however, that life has given to them. But one rule: you have to play its leading role of values \u200b\u200baccording to the staff, according to the dictates of the chromatic musical notes. If we play the music, you have to study the rationality of mental basis of the composition, harmony, etc.. And only after that we can express our imagination. With this I want to make it clear that the young person must understand and evolve, not only to criticize somhow compelled to stop, because otherwise remain ghettoized in the criticism and eventually destroys itself. The young must be able to enter the social game, the game of the command, using the tactics and strategies of the rational system in order to observe and develop that intelligence that nature. He just needs to learn the rules of rational, how it interacts with others, as unfounded, at least biologically are our fathers ... so that the flame paths.
The young can play an important role in decision-making because it has a kind of knowledge with strategic value.
According to some studies, the human being has a positive nucleus that is used to determine any environmental impact, the choice works best for that individual or for the actions that it is undertaking. This, for example, allows the baby to react and to "make choices" that allow you to survive the newborn, and to conduct the first months of life, never seeing, not having the taste, not thinking etc. The man then born with this positive nucleus that has a specific project (which is expressed in different ways from person to person) and then if you survive, grow and evolve. Nature therefore has provided human beings with a policy to understand what is functional or not their project, their own existence. It is a kind of knowledge that is still present in the young heavily. Unfortunately, the next
education, models of the company where you are to interact, were built on a different criteria, so as the individual grows "forgets" to use this policy and learns that the company 's environment in which he lives, that does not match the project with which nature has endowed.
One of the ways in which it performs this type of knowledge is the classical "intuition, sixth sense, intuition, etc brilliant idea. which usually correspond to certain images. On the other hand it is undeniable that the ideas and decisions that gave the greatest contributions to man have always been the historical confirmation of the intuition of the individual value of a man who then went to the benefit of all.
One of the goals of our organization is the teaching method that allows the young to give coherence and continuity of management of these intuitions, so as to allow a more functional choice at any time for themselves and the society in which they live. This instruction applied eg in a work situation can provide an immediate response efficiency, saving money in finding the optimal choice. In fact it is a method that allows each individual aware of his situation without the help of strangers, cultural models, or machine-tests.
Ontopsychology is a tool, a technique that gives the passage to get to where everyone is genuine. It does not give a truth, does not teach a religious law, but it certainly gives the technical means to get to be the expression of their true nature. Only if the man is the point where it truly is, he understands a word of a great spirit ... and it's nice to find in themselves. E 'key to the decision-making process, to protect this living intuitive curiosity that children and young people and prevent it from being aborted by an educational system and institutional framework that does not allow the full development of this potential. The task delle istituzioni è quello di trovare il modo di tradurre questa capacità inventiva del giovane nel processo decisionale. Quello che i giovani possono dare è sicuramente un contributo notevole che però spesso non trova la giusta maniera di formalizzazione nelle istituzioni. Investire soprattutto in questo aspetto è quasi un contenere i danni e avere un potenziale con possibilità di rigiro molto più veloce perché si crea una responsabilità individuale nel giovane fin dall’inizio. L’articolo 29 (d) della Convention on the rights of the Child afferma: “States Parties agree that the education of the child shall be directed to the preparation of the child for responsible life in a free society….”.
Dall’altra parte i giovani devono capire che quando si vuole dare una cosa, bisogna formalizzarla secondo la tolleranza del ricevente. Le istituzioni dovrebbero ricordare che quando si è giovani, si vive il tempo più difficile, più amaro, è il tempo della pazienza, è il tempo di imparare, non è ancora il tempo di comandare; per cui le istituzioni dovrebbero far capire al giovane che dimostra un’indole più protagonista, più tentato di leaderismo, che potrà arrivare lì soltanto se oggi ha la pazienza di imparare meglio degli altri tutte le regole.
Cioè mentre molti giovani diventano "chipsistemici", cioè in sostanza fanno un apprendimento accademico sistemico dove poi restano sepolti, some young people understand that they must learn these stereotypes, these modules, these notes of a score, then play their music unique. In fact, the stereotypes of our society are good, there is this sense of universality, this sense of citizenship, democracy, which has its counterpoint legal, rational, economical, helping to save the proportions of things together. The young should not make the mistake, since it is a "fresh organic," a biological point of believing that automatically is also the intellectual point of power: no, just a good plate of biology, good for sex, good for the job without a purpose in the race, good for athletics, but not yet mature, seasoned not to pursue an action that classical values, ie setting out something that others also recognize then as the value of evolution. So the institutions are the instruments, and with humility, patience, consistency, must come alone to manage, because if it burns, if contrary, is out of play. Young people can learn from their pride, their intelligence, while the institutions, in turn, can tell them: "Just drive to power that we currently represent, you must have this training."
I do not know whether the institutions can do much, perhaps more honestly, the young man who has an intimate understanding di se stesso.
Infine vorrei rilevare una particolare atteggiamento che preclude l’entrata del giovane nel processo decisionale in modo efficiente.
E’ tipico dei giovani quando entrano in un sistema, farsi più fiscali dei detentori del fisco Assumono una forma critica direi quasi solipsistica, sono più critici degli adulti di cui loro pensano di essere diversi. Questo però è indice di stupidità, cioè di intelligenza a breve corso, per cui non mi preoccuperei di questo tipo di giovani. In questo caso sono meglio gli anziani, gli adulti. Dice un proverbio africano: “Vede più cose un vecchio seduto che cento giovani in piedi”.
Anche le NGO dei giovani sono un contributo importante per il processo decision-making. But even here I have a little note. In speaking with these guys at the end of their beautiful projects represent an obstacle the lack of funds and the fact that governments and institutions do not help them. I think it is a bit 'nonsense. Young people have the ability to create the possibility of creating funds for their association. They have talent and creativity in abundance and can assure you that there are young people who already do. It is not a question of means, but in attitude and responsibility in finding these resources. Even in developing countries. That 's where it really shows if you have stuff and if you really believe in what you want to continue. Wait for the help of institutions means delay the project you want to pursue. Wait for the recognition of institutions is a betrayal of the elan vital that we want to continue. The institutions can contribute and help only after it has demonstrated the validity and independence and the will to carry on a discourse of growth and evolution.