Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Clip Art For Underwriting Manual

Forms of teaching

From dictionary Ontopsychology learning is available to receive what is for me. Etymologically means, be my own underwear. That is, I learn to know myself as they really are, how nature made me and once I know well ... I understand what choices lead to health changes. Each choice is consistent with my nature makes me grow, increase my intelligence, I can do better tomorrow.

Any form of teaching, according to the school Ontopsychological, should give the technique and tools to enable the child (then a boy, then an adult) the performance in his life, the birth of their potential.

In fact learning in everyday practice, it proved the acquisition of models already in place, operating standards that, once saved, we tend to repeat over and over. That is, if we are taught from childhood that milk is good and healthy drink for breakfast and we require it as a daily duty for our health, every morning we drink milk as adults and probably even if he does well, we will continue the practice without asking if we ever will or if he continues to like the taste, or if in the morning would be more pleasing to the palate bere una spremuta.

Ma se ci insegnassero come conoscerci bene nella nostra natura ed a scegliere secondo il criterio di cosa è bene per noi (cosa ci piace, ci va di fare, ci aiuta a crescere, ecc. nel rispetto del sociale), innanzitutto impareremo che non esiste una unica colazione possibile ma ogni mattina potremmo fare la colazione più gustosa in quel giorno e in quel luogo.

Una pedagogia che consente la comprensione e lo sviluppo del progetto di natura, come è la pedagogia ontopsicologica, porta ad un individuo prima di tutto sano, e poi in grado di realizzare se stesso in modo sempre creativo.


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