Profiteroles al cioccolato
I never have enough time to do what I want, the children take up my whole day or so (and luckily in the morning otherwise I would attend the nest and made worse, however, I always have too many things to do in order to devote myself to kitchen, alas ..) but I have prepared these profiteroles lo stesso in occasione del compleanno del maritozzo servendomi della pasta per choux (per bignè) già pronta.
In altre occasioni mi sono cimentata anche nella loro preparazione ma questa volta giuro, non ne avevo proprio il tempo!
Per una piramide media:
12 bignè vuoti
crema preparata con 250 gr. di latte (io ne ho fatta molta di più perché in casa amano mangiarla con il cucchiaino)
50 gr. di cioccolato fondente
2 cucchiai di latte
Preparate la crema seguendo la ricetta che usate abitualmente (io metto tutti bimby ingredients in and let cook for 7 minutes at speed 4, 80 °) and using a pastry bag filled with all the cream puffs, and then prepare the base of the pyramid alongside six puffs in a circle, then another 5 on the top floor and finally the 'last. Put them in the fridge. Prepare
coverage in a small saucepan melt the chocolate in milk. The flame should be low in this process, I recommend it. I for convenience and to speed up the operation put the chocolate and milk in bimby and let it melt for about 2 minutes at 50 °, sp. 1.
Bring out the pyramid and cover with the chocolate waterfall, covers all the surface, and finally garnish with whipped cream.
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