Friday, December 19, 2008

Iron Tablets Side Effects Black Shit

intervention in China Meneghetti

L'ultimo Congresso Mondiale di Psicologia che si è svolto in Cina, ha visto la partecipazione dell'Associazione Internazionale di Ontopsicologia. We waited for two moments of participation of Prof. Antonio Meneghetti, which actually became a single speech River, which lasted from 13.30 to 17.00.

Topics intervention were:

  • Ontopsychological approach: method, tools and results;
  • Psychotherapy as authentication of the ego: to bring to psychotherapy Ontopsychological leaders and business

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pokemon Deluge Fast Lvl Pokemonusing Cheat Engine

Premio "cricetoso"

Today dear Tittina gave me a wonderful surprise giving me this award really cute and adorable, the hamster greedy and this was his Motivation: "Pass this award on Radem because it is in a period of her life and this hamster doll with sweet, flowers and the candy made me think of her. "

I want to pass it to a special person wishing luck at this point in his life and making a huge good luck to all Sere

Tittina Thanks, you're adorable!

Monday, November 10, 2008

What Does A Clitorius Look Like

Un nuovo premio

The beloved Aurelia in the kitchen smells of kindly offered me this award too cute and I thank you for thinking of me. Thanks Aurelia you were very dear :-)

Download the award by "copy and paste the html code that you find at the end of regulation, and put it in your blog.
Write a post linking the blog that gave you the license plate as a symbol of gratitude.
Link to this page also world Memole to allow the winners to read the regulations and take the prize.
order to withdraw the license plate you have to hit at least seven blogs.
If you want to indicate the reason why the plate to deliver award-winning blog.
Then you can at any time, give the award to other blogs.

With this award I would like to reward all those blogs that have distinguished themselves for having given a message of sweetness and / or love. In turn, I

prize all the friends known about the various cooking blog that I have always been close in this period from the beginning of pregnancy to date.
I do not make the list of names because you lot, I also saw that many of you have already received the award, but I dedicate the same to all of you that despite my "culinary break" continue to go from here making less boring these days and sharing with me one of the "moments" the most beautiful of my life :-)
Thank you so much again to all!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Kitchenaid Toaster Oven

Antonio Meneses was born in Italy in 1936. Ph. D. in Philosophy, Theology, Sociology, Psychology Degree in Philosophy, Honoris Causa degree in Physics the discovery of the semantic field.

develops independent research that leads to the foundation of what is presented as a new discipline, Ontopsychology. In the 70 formalizes the three discoveries of science Ontopsychological, the ontic itself, the semantic field and the deflection monitor.

In 1972 he founded a school Ontopsychological; in 1978 is the International Association of Ontopsychology.

faces the critical problem of knowledge and solve it by proposing the criterion of evidence formalized by the intellect, which brings together the object and the subject as part of the only contemporary ontology of intentionality.

Il pensiero del prof. Meneghetti è pubblicato in oltre quaranta volumi che espongono i princìpi dell'ontopsicologia, e di essi diversi sono stati tradotti anche in inglese, russo, francese, tedesco, spagnolo, cinese e in portoghese).

per saperne di piu:

Antonio Meneghetti

La biografia di Antonio Meneghetti su

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Right Side Intestinal Pain Black Stool


So a few days ago Luca & Sabrina divine flavor I have given this award and I'm really happy that despite my absence in terms .. Culinary, have thought of me, so THANK YOU CUORE per la vostra presenza in questo mio angolo di mondo per il momento "panciuto", vista la gravidanza trigemina!

Questa volta non faccio assegnazioni personali ma lo dono e lo dedico a tutti coloro che continuano a visitare il mio blog ed a leggere i miei brevi riassunti su una vita da "quasi mamma" con tre piccoli nel grembo.
Grazie a tutti voi per la compagnia in questo momento della mia vita così bello ma tutto particolare, la vostra presenza mi riempie di gioia!

p.s. presto inserirò nuove ecografie e vi garantisco che una in particolare.. parla da sè!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Difference Between Blowout And Brooklyn

Pennette al salmone in salsa rosa, premio e.. NEWS FINALE!!

Inizio questa serata con una bellissima sorpresa, un premio che la carissima Clamilla mi ha recapitato l'altro ieri e che ho il tempo di inserire soltanto ora! La sua motivazione è stata: " perchè quando sono sul suo blog l'angolo delle delizie , mi trovo in un pposto riposante, soft e simpatico allo steso tempo....bellissimo il template di ratatouille!"
Io la ringrazio di vero cuore per aver pensato a me, è stato un regalo davvero inaspettato e sono queste le vere sorprese, dunque grazie, grazie grazie !!

Ma ecco le regole:

1) Scegliere 5 blog che sono meritevoli di tale premio per creatività, design, and the particular material used, and that contributes to the blogger community regardless of language.

2) Each award should have the name of the author and also the link to the blog

3) each award shall file the award and put the name and the connection of the person who awarded

4) the award must show the link to the blog of ArteyPico

5) Publish the rules

Now let the awards: D
So I want to reward the blog Sweet and savory for the creativity of the recipes and the nice graphics of the blog! Congratulations to sweet and salty!

Back to us, Friday morning I went out with my sister to do some laps, but before you start to "turn" car wash we went back together to my car that now had become black .. white! It was not the only car in those conditions, a few days ago should be dropped from the sky land, not water!
the end I spent only 2 €, you know those self-service washes where you are to wash your car with a special nozzle? Here are widespread, it saves a lot and why not have fun too:)

But back to the salmon, long ago the network had seen a recipe that specifically provides for the salmon and taking advantage of the fact that my husband would not be back for lunch, I suggested to a paste salmon, not to boast, it is coming really delicious.
In the end, I was inspired by the famous recipe for nothing because I have not found and so I appealed to my ... imagination!
We ate everything, we were three because there was also mother and did not advance anything, I think I even dream of this dish tonight. Mom goodness, try it .. not to mention the fact that the dish is very quick to make and it makes a fine figure in caso di ospiti (improvvisi e non!).

Per 3 porzioni:
300 g. di pennette (io avevo le penne più grandi, però le mezze penne sarebbero l'ideale)
200 g. di salmone affumicato (ho usato quello in busta del banco frigo)
1 spicchio di aglio
5 cucchiai colmi di pomodoro a pezzetti (ho usato Santa Rosa pezzettoni)
6-7 cucchiai di panna da cucina (avevo quella UHT in casa, però utilizzate quella fresca se la avete)
1 ciuffetto di prezzemolo
olio evo q.b.
sale q.b.

Sbucciate lo spicchio di aglio e soffriggetelo in padella together with a little oil (not abound, the salmon will release part of its water). Meanwhile, salmon fillet with scissors but do not cut into pieces too small because the reduction will take place on its own in cooking and stirring as you crumble a bit '.
Combine the salmon with oil and cook it for a few minutes

then add the tomatoes and salt (no salmon abound because the envelope is usually already salted with her).
Cook for 10 minutes stirring often.
In the meantime, put the pot on the stove and cook the penne until al dente. I had very salty salmon, I did not add salt to the water and the plate era sapido al punto giusto.
Aggiungere la panna al salmone, mescolare e lasciare andare altri 2 -3 minuti.
Tagliuzzare il prezzemolo ed aggiungerlo alla salsa, mescolare e tenere da parte.

Scolare la pasta e condirla con la salsa rosa al salmone.
Buon appetito!!


Dunque sicuramente state aspettando la NEWS FINALE, giusto? (dulcis in fundo..)
Ebbene sì, SONO INCINTA !!!!!!
Io e mio marito siamo FELICISSIMI e la settimana prossima faremo la prima ecografia :-)
Speriamo vada tutto bene, ma io vi aggiornerò presto!!
Facendo i vari calcoli dovrei essere alla 4° settimana, calcolando dall'ovulazione che so per certo essere avvenuta in un determinato periodo, ma convenzionalmente si calcola dall'ultima mestruazione, quindi sono alla 5°! EVVIVA!!!
Si accettano consigli, oggi ho avuto le prime nausee ma con un biscotto secco è passata subito :))

Friday, July 18, 2008

Wolverine Leather Jacket Patch

Centrifugato di banana, cocco e mela

Ogni tanto mi viene voglia di frullati e simili così oggi mi sono inventata questo centrifugato, avendo a disposizione una mela, del cocco fresco che abbiamo comprato giovedì ed una banana.
Il cocco e la mela determinano la densità del frullato e si sentono i pezzetti sotto i denti, per me una vera goduria visto che amo tutti e tre gli ingredienti.
Se a voi non piace sentire i pezzettini allora dovrete accontentarvi di un semplice frullato alla banana ed ovviamente dovrete ridurre anche la quantità di latte.
Il centrifugato è freschissimo, adatto a questa stagione calda e poi si presta a mille varianti, quindi via con la fantasia e fatemi sapere le vostre varianti!! Deve essere buono anche al melone con l'aggiunta di qualche other fruit ...

For 2 or 4 tumbler glasses table:
1 / 2 lt. low-fat milk 1 large banana

1 apple (I used a golden gala, but it is fine except for any that are too harsh granny smith)
45 g.
fresh coconut 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon very
shaved unsweetened cocoa powder
10 ice cubes

Slice the banana, the apple without the peel and cut the coconut into small pieces. Add milk and blend it all with an immersion blender. Add the honey, cocoa and ice and blend again to crush the ice.
Serve in tall glass of milkshake or if you are good in 4 cups water municipalities. I used the tumbler that I have been given away for marriage. They are made of glass, colorful and suitable for this kind of centrifuge, slurp!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Motion Sensor With Circuit Diagram

Granita al caffè con panna

heat, sun, sea .. What's better than a nice granita? And more coffee? Do not tell me you do not like coffee! Bad, bad .. how do you wake up in the morning? Give me the recipe because I do taaanta fatigue .. But if I'm waiting for this granita get out of bed in 1 second!

Inspiration for this recipe comes from Cannelle Blog and I take this opportunity to thank you!

Makes 4 servings "giants" or 8 cups:

250 ml. of coffee (I used a good decaffeinated coffee and the taste does not change, guaranteed!)
250 g. Ice
100 g. sugar (80 g also would be nice to make it less sweet, but goes according to taste)
brandy (do not use it, nobody likes him at home)
whipped cream (I used that to spray the Hoplà)

Preparation: Prepare 2
of coffee machines from 3-4 people and set aside.
chop the ice, even more roughly to what I did and add sugar, 250 ml. if you want the coffee and brandy.

Mix everything and pour into a container which should then be placed in freezer for at least 15 minutes.
Pour into cups or glasses and well decorated the surface with cold cream.

Knee Pain With Ovulation

Ho vinto l'oscar!!!

Yes, I finally won I °°°^______^°°°

E 'a very special award and I thank you for Micaela awarded my blog for the following reasons: " because I really like the background and theme of his blog .... .... the mice are adorable . Micaela
thank you very much for this reason, I'm glad to know that the theme of my blog is super-appreciated;)
When I saw the animated film "Ratatouille" I fell in love immediately and so I decided to use this theme as layout my blog, because we are always in the field of culinary arts, so what better combination! But let

premium, here in all its glory!

This award recognizes all the web space that are distinguished for their graphic content and creativity '. This award is an exclusive idea of \u200b\u200b Graficamania forum which holds all rights. This prize will be awarded periodically to 5 web space that the staff deems worthy. You do not need any registration, the prize is a spontaneous show of appreciation!
Award winners will attend a brief Regulation:

1. Expose the prize
2. The link / web spaces that have won and the Forum Graphics mania (
3. Rewarding your time to at least 5 virtual spaces (be they blogs, forums or sites) giving the reasons for which you feel deserve the award.
4. Enter the prize rules.

Now to the blog that I think most visually appealing ... I prize this time only two!


Cat greedy: I \u200b\u200bjust discovered your blog a few days and the main theme is, as the name, the cat .. So who knows me knows I love cats (I have 3!), then the prize goes to virtually every chemical universe: o)

The dolcetteria : a blog as soon as we enter you will want to eat everything , as is sweet: D

Monday, July 14, 2008

Clonazepam Dose For Dogs

Un altro premio, evviva!!

Today I turn on the computer and found a huge surprise .. two awards! The first
Yummy blog award is the second è il Premio 10 e lode , entrambi assegnati al mio blog dalla carissima Micaela de " il criceto goloso " con la seguente motivazione:
"perchè è un’ottima fonte di ispirazione con cui riesco sempre a dialogare e a confrontare il modo di preparare tante ricette "

Grazie di cuore a Micaela per questi graditissimi premi!!!


rappresentano un premio, un certificato, un attestato di stima e gradimento per ciò che il premiato propone.

Come si assegnano?
Who has received one can assign as many as he wants, whenever she wants, as a symbol of respect to anyone who can appreciate in a particular way, with any reason as long as the recipient, he or she who presents the award or the reasons do not reflect values negative and incitement to racism, violence, pedophilia and Cossacks of the genus from which the prize is dissociated and which are not and never wants anything to do.

The rules: (these are the same for both)
1. display the logo of the award, which is the prize, on the grounds that it is received. E 'indicates an acknowledgment that the satisfaction of a friend, so it is value;
2. Linking 's blog who awarded the prize as a proper thanksgiving
3. If you leave the link to the original post already in the html code of the premium to provide links,
4. Enter the Regulation;
5. Rewarding adding at least one blog motivation. These rules are mandatory only the first time you receive the prize to allow its spread, receiving more than one is not necessary to repeat the procedure every time, unless you want to do it. The situation can be to set aside their prizes and bragging board to show them than they are conquistati.Si remember that he who was already awarded once may assign all of the "Ten Award and praise" she wants and when he wants (except the first), even after a long time, forever. Just declare the blog to which you want to assign and motivation. In addition, of course, provide the necessary link in the event that the recipient has not yet been awarded before.

now turn this award only to a person that I think deserves a lot:

Anicestellato , to wish a return on the GREAT web and then because so many fantastic sfizioserie always proposes, in short without his foodblog would not be the same What!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wedding Decor In Maroon

Parmigiana very light

Anyone who knows me knows that I often have a problem with the eggplant in the sense that usually when I eat I get bubbles on the tongue. I'm probably a little intolerant to something in this skin, but even so sometimes I eat, as happened this time. I found a recipe fast
Blog Ara & Coco and I decided to try it. I have not come even a bubble and then promoted to full marks his recipe (thank you!).
I varied the doses because I made a tiny dish for two people, so I used one eggplant.
I recommend you try this recipe because it's very light. You do not fry anything, and parmigiana è ugualmente buona, inoltre considerando il caldo che imperversa su tutto lo stivale, vi sfido a mettervi davanti ai fornelli a friggere! Naaaaaaaa!!!

4 melanzane (ho affettato una sola melanzana, però era bella grande)
1 scatola di pomodori pelati (io ho usato i pezzettoni Santa Rosa)
olio evo
aglio, 1 spicchio
origano e basilico (purtroppo li avevo soltanto secchi)
100 gr. di parmigiano grattugiato (mi sono orientata ad occhio)
sale q.b.
pepe q.b. (ho usato del pepe bianco in polvere)

Wash the eggplants and slice it lengthwise. The slices should not be too thick otherwise take too long to bake in the oven (if you want to add salt on the slices and put them in a colander to lose all their water) . Prepare a sauce
fast fry a clove of garlic in the oil and add the tomatoes Ages (if you scatter the tomatoes coarsely) , salt, basil, fresh if possible, and oregano. If necessary, thin with some water and thicken the sauce for about 15 minutes on medium flame.

In a pan make a layer of tomato sauce and a layer of grated Parmesan cheese, then put the slices of eggplant.
Cover each slice with sauce, Parmesan, pepper and fresh basil leaves if you (I used the dry powder, I had nothing else in the house) .
Cover with another slice of eggplant, as if it were a sandwich and add on more sauce, Parmesan and pepper.

Bake for about 35 minutes at 200 degrees. Check the cooking eggplant skewers with a fork (I have them removed from the oven long enough in the tooth because I do not like mushy) .
Bon appetit!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Pinnacle Tv Center Pro For Windows 7

Plumcake al cocco

not imagine what è soffice questo plumcake! Io ho aggiunto anche un pochino di nutella all'impasto ma vi garantisco che è buonissimo anche senza. Ecco se siete a dieta non mettetela e non ve ne pentirete di certo.
A me il cocco fa impazzire, soprattutto i dolcetti che lo contengono :D
Io ho messo del latte però se volete potete provare a sostituirlo con la stessa quantità di yogurt al cocco oppure al naturale.
Insomma tutti i buoni propositi sul "niente dolci a casa mia" sono andati a farsi benedire, ma come resistere di fronte ad una vera delizia come questa??

3 uova medie
180 g. di zucchero
100 g. di olio (45 g. di olio evo e 55 gr. di olio di semi di mais)
55 g. di farina 00
45 g. di farina di cocco disidratata
90 g. di fecola
95 g. di latte parzialmente scremato
1 bustina di lievito vanigliato
nutella o cioccolato fondente (facoltativo)

Sbattere i tuorli con lo zucchero, il composto dovrà essere chiaro e spumoso. Aggiungere l'olio, il latte, la farina oo e quella di cocco, il lievito e mescolare bene.
Montare a neve gli albumi con un pizzico di sale ed aggiungerli all'impasto, avendo cura di mescolare senza smontare tutto.

Mettere nello stampo da plumcake imburrato ed infarinato oppure in uno stampo in silicone e, se of choice, sprinkle with chocolate shavings or a few tablespoons of Nutella.

Bake in preheated oven at 170 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Universal Black Camera Case For Panasonic Lumix

I was invited by Tittina an initiative launched by Gianluca to make more visible our blog. For the moment he decided to blog from the kitchen and then, gradually embracing other topics.

Here are the reasons and rules of the "game":

"I find them very interesting because they are treated by housewives who discovered the Internet and make freely available to their recipes. I want to encourage the exchange of free information and I want to encourage housewives to use Internet.This project starts as a reward then will be as follows: anyone is free to take the banner and post it on your site / blog and then will:
1.Avvisare with me a comment in this post so that I link on this page, the banner is linked to the list so everyone will put the banner visitors to read the whole list and then to go on all the blogs.

2. It should also appoint four friends who blog about cooking (4 guidance is a number, may be more as less).
3. I will link that appears on this page very often all the blogs participating! It 's very easy, because you behave like a meme , with the difference that here you have a big advantage: You will receive many visits and you have a blog very important, as will be seen by many "

A huge thank you goes to Tittina for giving me this opportunity and these are my nominations:

Micaela - The hamster greedy

Ara & Coco - Sweet and not only

Katya - Cooking with you

Nima - Butterfly

Monday, July 7, 2008

How Do You Get Leafeon In Pokemon Indigo

Premio "brillante weblog" 2008!!

I open this week with a brilliant hot consegnatomi award from dear Luca & Sabrina divine flavor. What a nice surprise, I'm really happy for this award so precious that comes at a time in my life a little sad, then I receive with great pleasure and I hope it bodes well for my future ..

Rules of the Award: Brillante weblog

The prize is awarded to sites and blogs that stand out for their brilliance, both as regards the themes for design. The aim is to encourage everyone in the blogosphere world!

1. al ricevimento del premio, bisogna scrivere un post mostrando il premio e citare il nome di chi ti ha premiato mostrando il link del suo blog;
2. scegli un minimo di 7 blog (o di più) che credi siano brillanti nei loro temi o nel loro design. Esibisci il loro nome e il loro link e avvisali che hanno ottenuto il Premio “Brillante Weblog”;
3. (facoltativo) esibire la foto (il profilo) di chi ti ha premiato e di chi viene premiato nel tuo blog.

Passo ad assegnare questo brillantissimo premio a cinque foodblog anziché sette, come prevede il regolamento:

1. Tittina , perchè propone sempre tante ricettine interessanti e molto sfiziose nonché originali ed è una brillantissima crocheting!

2. Misy , because he has been married for just over a week and as a diamond is forever "who more than she deserves this award? In addition, his recipes are always so original, so gift him with the heart.

3. Ady , because he has just published a book of recipes and I hope that this award will bring them much luck.

4. Quasimamma , because his blog is a wonderful journal that follows step by step the growth of his small and wonderful Veronica.

5. Micaela , because despite the few months of his life foodblog, is already rich in many recipes golose che inserisce quotidianamente con vera dedizione e per questo io la ammiro moltissimo!

Aggiornamento delle ore 21.36 : sono stata nuovamente premiata dalla carissima tittina di " In cucina con me " con la seguente motivazione: perché è una ragazza modesta ma è bravissima e ci mette passione in quello che fa e poi è abruzzese!! (grazie cara!), quindi almeno per oggi il mio weblog brilla più del solito. Grazie mille tittina , sei stata dolcissimissima!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Boots X-ray At Airport

Plumcake water

Questa ricetta arriva dal blog di Micaela che a sua volta l'ha "ereditata" dal blog di Ady, "Diary of a passion .
The idea of \u200b\u200busing water instead of milk I was quite intrigued and so I wanted to try because long ago I tried the recipe for a sweet Australian who also provided the use of water in but the results have been disappointing. And yes because the dough is leavened slightly and remained wet in the middle, I tried twice but I always had the same problem.
Now that I found this recipe Ady, Micaela, and then try it for very successful, I decided that I re-Australian trying to show its skills in the recipe the same procedure used for this plum and adapting it to the recipe .. They're not to give up and let's see if I can blessed to grow that dough.
If you then I'll gladly step in the recipe:))

As for this plum cake is really light, but I would to use the plum jam that was lying in my cupboard, I have added jar half the dough with the result that is deposited on the bottom so when I put on a plate, the base is a little bit undone, but without compromising the end result if not from the disfigurement (but I had guests coming and so I am certainly not depressed about it little: P).
Next time I'll try to add a gentle jam ready and already cold, possibly cutting it in half and stuffed. For a sweet yet più light si può optare per la marmellata senza zucchero, oppure semplicemente si evita di metterla perché è buonissimo lo stesso anche senza niente.

La ricetta originale prevede rhum e cacao ma io non li ho messi, inoltre ho messo meno zucchero quindi per la "vera" ricetta passate sul blog di Ady.

Il mio plumcake l'ho fatto così:
200 gr. di zucchero
250 gr. di farina
130 gr. di olio di semi di mais
130 gr. di acqua
1 bustina di lievito vanigliato per dolci
1/2 vasetto di marmellata di prugne fatta in casa

Montare con le fruste le uova e lo zucchero fino ad ottenere un composto chiaro e spumoso. Add oil, water, flour and finally the yeast mixture and then mix well. Pour into a silicone loaf pan as I did, or grease and flour a baking sheet or use parchment paper instead.
I put some dough, then I added the cookie jar and poured the remaining batter over, but should spread the jam over the cake when it is cold, otherwise it will settle across the bottom of the cake (which does not affect the result, But if you want to avoid this step, a perfect sweet, in any case you can see the photos to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe result). Bake for 40 minutes at 175 degrees. And there

freshly baked

When I turned over the plum cake that's how the fund, without the "crust" but with simple jam.
Oh, it's really good eh!

A slice