Anyone who knows me knows that I often have a problem with the eggplant in the sense that usually when I eat I get bubbles on the tongue. I'm probably a little intolerant to something in this skin, but even so sometimes I eat, as happened this time. I found a recipe fast
Blog Ara & Coco and I decided to try it. I have not come even a bubble and then promoted to full marks his recipe (thank you!).
I varied the doses because I made a tiny dish for two people, so I used one eggplant.
I recommend you try this recipe because it's very light. You do not fry anything, and parmigiana è ugualmente buona, inoltre considerando il caldo che imperversa su tutto lo stivale, vi sfido a mettervi davanti ai fornelli a friggere! Naaaaaaaa!!!
4 melanzane (ho affettato una sola melanzana, però era bella grande)
1 scatola di pomodori pelati (io ho usato i pezzettoni Santa Rosa)
olio evo
aglio, 1 spicchio
origano e basilico (purtroppo li avevo soltanto secchi)
100 gr. di parmigiano grattugiato (mi sono orientata ad occhio)
sale q.b.
pepe q.b. (ho usato del pepe bianco in polvere)
Wash the eggplants and slice it lengthwise. The slices should not be too thick otherwise take too long to bake in the oven (if you want to add salt on the slices and put them in a colander to lose all their water) . Prepare a sauce
fast fry a clove of garlic in the oil and add the tomatoes Ages (if you scatter the tomatoes coarsely) , salt, basil, fresh if possible, and oregano. If necessary, thin with some water and thicken the sauce for about 15 minutes on medium flame.

In a pan make a layer of tomato sauce and a layer of grated Parmesan cheese, then put the slices of eggplant.
Cover each slice with sauce, Parmesan, pepper and fresh basil leaves if you (I used the dry powder, I had nothing else in the house) .
Cover with another slice of eggplant, as if it were a sandwich and add on more sauce, Parmesan and pepper.

Bake for about 35 minutes at 200 degrees. Check the cooking eggplant skewers with a fork (I have them removed from the oven long enough in the tooth because I do not like mushy) .
Bon appetit!

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