Today I turn on the computer and found a huge surprise .. two awards! The first
Yummy blog award is the second è il Premio 10 e lode , entrambi assegnati al mio blog dalla carissima Micaela de " il criceto goloso " con la seguente motivazione:
"perchè è un’ottima fonte di ispirazione con cui riesco sempre a dialogare e a confrontare il modo di preparare tante ricette "
Grazie di cuore a Micaela per questi graditissimi premi!!!

rappresentano un premio, un certificato, un attestato di stima e gradimento per ciò che il premiato propone.
Come si assegnano?
Who has received one can assign as many as he wants, whenever she wants, as a symbol of respect to anyone who can appreciate in a particular way, with any reason as long as the recipient, he or she who presents the award or the reasons do not reflect values negative and incitement to racism, violence, pedophilia and Cossacks of the genus from which the prize is dissociated and which are not and never wants anything to do.
The rules: (these are the same for both)
1. display the logo of the award, which is the prize, on the grounds that it is received. E 'indicates an acknowledgment that the satisfaction of a friend, so it is value;
2. Linking 's blog who awarded the prize as a proper thanksgiving
3. If you leave the link to the original post already in the html code of the premium to provide links,
4. Enter the Regulation;
5. Rewarding adding at least one blog motivation. These rules are mandatory only the first time you receive the prize to allow its spread, receiving more than one is not necessary to repeat the procedure every time, unless you want to do it. The situation can be to set aside their prizes and bragging board to show them than they are conquistati.Si remember that he who was already awarded once may assign all of the "Ten Award and praise" she wants and when he wants (except the first), even after a long time, forever. Just declare the blog to which you want to assign and motivation. In addition, of course, provide the necessary link in the event that the recipient has not yet been awarded before.
now turn this award only to a person that I think deserves a lot:
Anicestellato , to wish a return on the GREAT web and then because so many fantastic sfizioserie always proposes, in short without his foodblog would not be the same What!
Come si assegnano?
Who has received one can assign as many as he wants, whenever she wants, as a symbol of respect to anyone who can appreciate in a particular way, with any reason as long as the recipient, he or she who presents the award or the reasons do not reflect values negative and incitement to racism, violence, pedophilia and Cossacks of the genus from which the prize is dissociated and which are not and never wants anything to do.
The rules: (these are the same for both)
1. display the logo of the award, which is the prize, on the grounds that it is received. E 'indicates an acknowledgment that the satisfaction of a friend, so it is value;
2. Linking 's blog who awarded the prize as a proper thanksgiving
3. If you leave the link to the original post already in the html code of the premium to provide links,
4. Enter the Regulation;
5. Rewarding adding at least one blog motivation. These rules are mandatory only the first time you receive the prize to allow its spread, receiving more than one is not necessary to repeat the procedure every time, unless you want to do it. The situation can be to set aside their prizes and bragging board to show them than they are conquistati.Si remember that he who was already awarded once may assign all of the "Ten Award and praise" she wants and when he wants (except the first), even after a long time, forever. Just declare the blog to which you want to assign and motivation. In addition, of course, provide the necessary link in the event that the recipient has not yet been awarded before.
now turn this award only to a person that I think deserves a lot:
Anicestellato , to wish a return on the GREAT web and then because so many fantastic sfizioserie always proposes, in short without his foodblog would not be the same What!
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