Questa ricetta arriva dal blog di Micaela che a sua volta l'ha "ereditata" dal blog di Ady, "Diary of a passion .
The idea of \u200b\u200busing water instead of milk I was quite intrigued and so I wanted to try because long ago I tried the recipe for a sweet Australian who also provided the use of water in but the results have been disappointing. And yes because the dough is leavened slightly and remained wet in the middle, I tried twice but I always had the same problem.
Now that I found this recipe Ady, Micaela, and then try it for very successful, I decided that I re-Australian trying to show its skills in the recipe the same procedure used for this plum and adapting it to the recipe .. They're not to give up and let's see if I can blessed to grow that dough.
If you then I'll gladly step in the recipe:))
As for this plum cake is really light, but I would to use the plum jam that was lying in my cupboard, I have added jar half the dough with the result that is deposited on the bottom so when I put on a plate, the base is a little bit undone, but without compromising the end result if not from the disfigurement (but I had guests coming and so I am certainly not depressed about it little: P).
Next time I'll try to add a gentle jam ready and already cold, possibly cutting it in half and stuffed. For a sweet yet più light si può optare per la marmellata senza zucchero, oppure semplicemente si evita di metterla perché è buonissimo lo stesso anche senza niente.
La ricetta originale prevede rhum e cacao ma io non li ho messi, inoltre ho messo meno zucchero quindi per la "vera" ricetta passate sul blog di Ady.
Il mio plumcake l'ho fatto così:
200 gr. di zucchero
250 gr. di farina
130 gr. di olio di semi di mais
130 gr. di acqua
1 bustina di lievito vanigliato per dolci
1/2 vasetto di marmellata di prugne fatta in casa
Montare con le fruste le uova e lo zucchero fino ad ottenere un composto chiaro e spumoso. Add oil, water, flour and finally the yeast mixture and then mix well. Pour into a silicone loaf pan as I did, or grease and flour a baking sheet or use parchment paper instead.
I put some dough, then I added the cookie jar and poured the remaining batter over, but should spread the jam over the cake when it is cold, otherwise it will settle across the bottom of the cake (which does not affect the result, But if you want to avoid this step, a perfect sweet, in any case you can see the photos to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe result). Bake for 40 minutes at 175 degrees. And there
freshly baked
When I turned over the plum cake that's how the fund, without the "crust" but with simple jam.
Oh, it's really good eh!
Oh, it's really good eh!
A slice
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