Friday, June 4, 2010

Property Development Business Plan


I'm not sure how I happened to read your posts on this topic ' Ontopsychology . What I know is that I came across there and - ironically - I'm interested as well. I am speaking of irony, because with these arguments have never had any familiarity. At the time of the school that matters most I hated was his philosophy. I remember the whole night trying to memorize those abstract concepts; industrial doses of coffee to keep me awake, but nothing, nothing to do. Then you put even my mother and her ipse dixit: "philosophy is the thing with whom or without which everything remains the same." Bell'incoraggiamento. Moreover, my passion has always been the numbers and getting things done. Five plus five is always ten, you see, you beneath your eyes, is a concrete thing. A few days ago, however, and makes a loan to a customer of mine (I'm a financial advisor in a bank) makes me think the movement of that money: a bunch of rectangles of paper passing through the hands of banca a quelle del cliente e poi dell’architetto, e poi dell’artigiano, e poi dell’arredatore, si trasformeranno in un piano bar dove le persone andranno a divertirsi e a suonare. In un continuo fluire di azioni in trasformazione quel piano bar farà muovere soldi e persone. Allora, pensando a questo movimento mi è rivenuto in mente Eraclito che mi pare dicesse qualcosa come “panta rei”, tutto scorre. È stato lì che ho pensato: “ma allora era vero!”come un fiume che scorre le cose e le persone si trasformano in un continuo divenire. Poi in uno dei vostri post leggo di un In Sé che è olistico - dinamico e mi viene subito da associare le due cose. Leggo che il suo muoversi è sempre centripeto, reflex is expanding, it is never centrifugal and I think I understand what it means. What began to interest me greatly, .... go into my reading of Ontopsychology , because I seem to perceive that even in this area continue to five and five make ten


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