Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Much To Get A Tooth Capped

Scaloppine di vitello ai funghi

not know about you, but when it comes to preparing dishes like this one does not weight anything so this time I do not have exact amounts to be transcribed. As for the mushrooms I have plenty leaving one part as a side dish for the next day, but you regulator according to your tastes.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

- 4 slices of veal 2 large or small
- mushrooms already cleaned
a bit of butter - 1 clove
garlic - to taste flour
extra virgin olive oil to taste - salt


Saute the garlic in a pan with a little oil and add the mushrooms. As will come out of their water, if it should be a little bit aggiungetene 'you. Add salt and cook by covering with a lid.
Put the butter in a pan, once melted lay the slices of meat that you cook it with care and floured on both sides, leaving the surface lightly browned salting to taste while cooking.
Once the mushrooms are cooked, put them in the pan with the meat, let cook for few minutes and serve. Today I

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Does Ladogal Cure Endometriosis

Cd lilac / ivory

The lilac is still time for weddings, color is a young, elegant, like a lot and is often paired with white or all 'ivory (as in this case). The effect is always beautiful.

Learn How To Step In Sorority

Cd green / ivory

Simple, elegant, even romantic, do not you think?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Long Off Work With Tonsillitis

Corallini in zuppa di mare

I propose a recipe "stolen" from the back of the pack of Barilla pasta. Inspired me immediately so I decided to try it and I'm not wrong, it's a different kind of dish that deserves to be tasted. I made some small changes, not having the fresh thyme, I used a mixture of Provencal herbs, consisting of: thyme, rosemary, sage, marjoram, basil, fennel and mint.

Ingredients for 4 servings: 160 gr

. of coral
500 gr. potatoes, diced
150 gr. of zucchini
20 gr.
of butter 50 cl of milk + 30 cl water
1 handful of herbs from Provence
shelled shrimp 1 / 2 shallot, salt and pepper to taste


Saute chopped shallots in butter, add the zucchini, potatoes peeled and chopped shrimp.
Add the mixture of herbs and wet with milk and water.
Cook for 10 minutes adding salt and pepper and cook the soup in the coral.
Bon appetit!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Top 10 Metal Core Wheels For Scooters

Purè di patate e carote (ricetta per il Bimby)

I made this sauce with the TM21 without resorting to the butterfly does not stick and is creamy.

Ingredients: 700 gr
. Potato
300 gr.
300 grams of carrots. milk
20 gr. di burro
50 gr. di parmigiano
sale q.b.

Inserire nel boccale con lame in movimento a vel. 4 le carote e tritare 10 sec.
Unire le patate tagliate a tocchetti, il latte, il burro, il sale e cuocere 20 min. vel.1.
Inserire il parmigiano ed amalgamare a vel. 3 per 30 sec.