The other day me and my husband Mark took up the mythical "galataio Simac" and One afternoon I made as many as 3 different tastes for ice cream all the fruit: fishing, apricot and banana . These are all good but the banana I think it has something more than the others.
Our ice cream is a little dated but never fails in his duties and every time we are surprised by what they come out tasty ice cream.
Marco used the Simac when he was little, now 33 years old so you can imagine how old is this mythical "ice cream"! The camera body is equipped with a condenser and then after the ice cream is not necessary to place the pan in the freezer for freezing, as is normal for ice cream (which are tiny and therefore in some ways even more convenient to store, while I have had destine half exemption to this mega-ice-cream, but I'm not sorry at all given the results).
This time I post because every recipe ice cream maker has its own booklet, but a photo to make the idea you want to show :-)

White is the banana, the taste is closer to orange is the ' apricot and the "yellow" is fishing.
If you see the ice cream a little 'loose' it is only because it took me a lifetime to take a picture of the limits of decency:)
The cream should be made only to the apricot taste, so I can advise it tastes even those who have some problem line.
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